Chiropractic is a very old, successful, medical treatment method to solve blockages of the spine and joints. Today, it is one of the most gentle methods in medicine. The treating physician needs only his hands for this therapy.
There are in practice chirotherapists and chiropractors who are often confused by laymen: Chirotherapists are always doctors, who have acquired this additional title by appropriate courses and examinations. The statutory health insurance funds pay two treatments per quarter. Chiropractors are usually not doctors. Since the training for this profession is not uniform worldwide, these treatments are not taken over by the statutory health insurance funds.
When does Chiropractic therapy help?
Blockages in the spine or in the joints can occur through incorrect posture an uncontrolled rapid movements
Often the patient does not notice this for a long time. If then the first complaints occur, these are frequently are not associated with the spine (e.g., visual difficulties, heart problems, sleepiness, etc.). For many patients, a long path of pain begins, because in many cases the symptoms are treated but the cause is not found. An experienced chirotherapist immediately diagnoses the problem zone by means of an exact examination with the hand and can solve it by using certain handgrips. Today, modern chirotherapy is a scientifically established and well-founded therapy whose success depends on the therapist’s skill.
What are blockages?
Blockages are, according to today’s findings, reflex disturbances, which usually start from the small vertebral joints. They do not exist only on the spine but also on the joints. When these blockages begin to cause discomfort, they persist often for a very long time, sometimes from childhood. They can only be detected by chirotherapeutic treatment methods and be resolved.
How does a chiropractic work?
A patient’s medical history can indicate a blockade. Further information on pain that increases or decreases depending on activity provides important information. After a subsequent general examination of the spine, the joints (examination of the joint range of movement) and the reflexes, the physician can often already make a diagnosis. The chirotherapist recognizes a blockage by a hardening which can be from the size of a pea to the size of an egg depending on the location.
How does chiropractic release a blockade ?:
The physician locates the hardening with the hand and releases the blockade by a precisely defined hand movement. This “jerk" can be accompanied by a crack, which, however, merely indicates that the joint has been brought to rest. The doctor and the patient recognize immediately whether the treatment was successful: the hardening disappears, the patient feels a spontaneous relief. To avoid relapses, after the chirotherapy physiotherapy is useful. In the long term, the entire musculature must be strengthened in a responsible fitness studio by regular visits (2-3 times a week). You can recognize these studios, by the number of health courses they offer. Swimming, walking, proper cycling and relaxation exercises round off the lasting aftercare and prevent so many relapses.